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Programme for Greek Language Teaching Applicable to Migrants and Other Foreign Language Speaking Residents of Cyprus

The “Programme for Greek Language Teaching Applicable to Migrants and Other Foreign Language Speaking Residents of Cyprus”, offered by the Ministry of Education and Culture, is part of the Operational Programme “Employment, Human Capital and Social Cohesion 2007 – 2013.”  This project falls under the EU objective for the increase of the economically active and employed persons belonging to vulnerable social groups and will have as a result the expansion of the labour market.  At the same time, the implementation of the abovementioned Programme aims at the prevention of social exclusion, as well as at the reinforcement of social and economic cohesion.  The Programme is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Republic of Cyprus.

Residents of Cyprus over 15 years of age, who are migrants and/or foreign language speakers, are entitled to apply for participation to the programme.

In a more general socio-economic context, language skills development is deemed necessary so that migrants and foreign language speakers who live in Cyprus acquire the ability to communicate with ease in their daily lives.  Additionally, the double objective of promoting social integration and equal opportunities for their participation in active occupation policies is being served.  The language and communication skills they will acquire, will facilitate their contact with the local population and will enable them to have equal participation in the labour market, as well as in the political, cultural and social activities in Cyprus.

The Programme will be implemented by the Adult Education Centres of the Ministry of Education and Culture, during the school periods 2010 – 2011, 2011 – 2012, 2012 – 2013, 2013 - 2014 and 2014 – 2015.  The training programmes will take place between November and May of each school period.  Greek Language Courses will be offered free of charge during 50, 90-minute sessions which will take place twice a week for each group.  Each group will consist of 10 to 15 persons.

Greek language courses will be offered at three different levels: 

• Level A:  for persons who are beginners or have minimum knowledge of Greek,
• Level B:  for persons who have basic Greek language skills, and
• Level C:  for persons who can communicate at a satisfactory degree orally and in writing. 

Participants will receive a “Certificate of Attendance” upon successful completion of each level. 

To avoid participation of trainees in similar co-financed Greek Language Programmes, it is required that each applicant signs a personal statement form that he/she does not participate or has not participated  in other co-financed Greek Language Programmes of the same level.

 General Information:


  • Registrations for the new school year:  3 September - 15 October
  • To locate a training center near you please click here.
  1. Application Form (Greek)
  2. Application Form (English)
  3. Personal Data Form (Greek)
  4. Personal Statement Form (Greek)


  • Intercultural Education - Challenges and Prospects (03/05/2012)
  1. Conference Programme (Greek)
  2. Press Release (English)
  3. Presentations (Greek)
  • Good Practices in Teaching Greek as a Foreign Language to Adults (19/06/2012)
  1. Seminar Programme (Greek)
  2. Press Release (English)


  • From CYBC's Programme (13/05/2012)

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